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3 lines dialog texts are cropped on Firefox…

firefox vs chromium screenshot :

Nice game tho ! thanks :)


Hi! I play and debug everything on Firefox. Is there any chance you're zooming in/out or changing the scale of the page?


OK, I just checked that the zoom is at 100% and reloaded. No difference.

Looking at the screenshots more closely, I can see that there’s a kind of padding above the text in the dialog text, but also in the buttons. This is certainly what makes the last line disappear.

I use Firefox 111.0.1 / Debian 12

Strange but no big deal, I was able to fully enjoy the game on chromium and I might be the only one experimenting that issue, so no worries !

(’<_ ’


Thanks for the information! I'll look into it either way, it's always a bit tricky when you can't debug a bug on your own.