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Did I do it? Like any true Metroidvania, was I able to sequence break!?

I got here just using the roll ability. I think I was able to clear some gaps I wasn't meant to, or maybe I just wanted to think I was cool.

Love the atmosphere in this game. I'd love to see this expanded to a full experience. Wonderful art and personality all around. As for the toy, it's a fun addition and there was some utility from it for added movement, but my main critique or idea for you to consider is to have it factor into the BeeKeeper's kit more in some way. Whether a special bee ability gives you more control with it, or it gives added benefit beyond being an interactable platform. Great work.


Oh noooooooo you got through it just with the roll?  How did you do that? You did sequence break haha

I miscalculated the soft locks I had in place! Try and take the left path this time and use the smash as well. You are 100% correct in your assumptions, using the log does help you move around by changing them from horizontal and vertical and vice versa.

(try getting all the bees by sequence breaking hahahahahaaa [plz don't])


I was able to roll from the very edge and I was just close enough to the new gap that an extra jump let me make it. But not, "Oh, noo!" It made me feel like a pro speed runner! It was great.