Why exclude nft usage??? Total put off I find it appalling! We either have full commercial rights or not, why exclude nft developers we create games also. I will not even look in this direction again move with the times or get left behind!
Why exclude nft usage???
Because it's a scam and a disgusting burp of capitalism. I don't want either my characters nor myself to be associated with it in any way.
Total put off I find it appalling!
Feeling is mutual. We should celebrate symmetry of the situation :D
We either have full commercial rights or not,
"not" then. I thought it was clear. Wasn't it? I wonder if I should draw an even bigger finger for all the nft crowd so it's more obvious, what do you think? How big is enough? I need to know.
why exclude nft developers we create games also.
Why, the clause doesn't exclude people but usage. One can imagine an "nft developer" making an actual game after a hard day of scamming people - this would be perfectly fine with the clause I guess.
I will not even look in this direction again
I'll be more than happy if you keep that word[1]! :D
move with the times or get left behind!
I expect that in 5 years (or months, who knows?) we';ll have another get-rich-quick-by-exploiting-people scheme. Something being new is not a reason for participating.
Are nfts a short-lived, weird, harmful, short-sighted idiocy, or a permanent part of a dystopian world we're building for ourselves and the posterity? No-one knows; but you don't need to act as you know the future in an attempt to scare-convince me. You'd need actual arguments for that. Oh, and better ones then the usual crap I get from the likes of you.
Hope that answers your question, and our understanding of each other's got improved.
[1] If you decide to break your promise, please try to improve interpunction. I don't mind mistakes (we all make plenty), but it's sometimes difficult to understand you. I'm very much interested in understanding a fellow human being, even if they are wrong, and especially if they disagree with me - and here you do both of those so \o/
Have a good day :)
I'm sure you not the person I'm responding here (they're supposed to not look in this direction after all) but if you're still interested in the topic - regardless of whether you agree with me or not - you can read Why NFTs are bad: the long version.
My only regret is I've spent too much time responding to them instead of spending time doing... well, anything else. But what's done is done; I try to not engage anymore.
Indeed, the community's response is so much better than I've anticipated. I should have more faith in people.
Anyway, Thanks for the kind words, but no admiration please, I'm blushing!
Go make your own art and sell it as NFT scammer. You actually have the mind to go to another artists page and get mad at them for not allowing you to make NFTs with art you have not contributed to. Take yourself elsewhere. You are on this site to get over on people and you will get called out. To use any art as NFT you will need to ask the artist directly and is in no way different than selling the assets by themselves which almost NO ARTIST will allow you to do for free.
Go make your own art and sell it as NFT scammer. You actually have the mind to go to another artists page and get mad at them for not allowing you to make NFTs with art you have not contributed to. Take yourself elsewhere. You are on this site to get over on people and you will get called out. To use any art as NFT you will need to ask the artist directly and is in no way different than selling the assets by themselves which almost NO ARTIST will allow you to do for free.