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(1 edit)

You can buy 20 food for 10 gold. So a job that earns 50 gold is more useful than a hunter that collects 80 food.
So long as you don't mind going to the market regularly.

Late game, the convenience of not having to micromanage food will probably outweigh the increase in earnings. assign a cook so that they can buy food should you need it.

A cook with high agility and wit can drastically cut the daily food required by slaves too. Scylla are great, but cats and slimes work just as well with enough agility.

The farm can produce huge quantities of food. The most efficient setup is farm manager with high confidence and wit, combined with several Taurus' modified to have huge boobs, multiple developed extra nipples and lactation.

Does the auto purchase option in 'Mansion Settings' also has the same 2:1 food to gold ratio? I never use that function myself as I always use hunter because that job brings in supply and not very efficient at bringing food so I don't immediately ends up with an overflow of food and spoil (I'm Chinese, I hate wasting food).

I usually assign someone to cook and yes, the ratio is the same: they buy 200 food and spend 100 gold.