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How to softlock:
get the gun
throw it over the gap
jump into the light.

you will get respawned in the area before the enemies which have now respawned and you cant escpae in the other direction either. aka soft locked :-)


Also most of the text boxes are too small for the actual text, so half the text is cut off or not shown.Might wanna make those text boxes of dynamic length or just longer in general :-)

Can you send a screenshot of this? It seems to render fine for those who playtested

See? Basically every time where the text is more than 3 lines, the lower part of that third text line is cut off. Cant say  why though, jsut unzipped the stuff and ran the exe. maybe its cause I am playing it in the small player and not in fullscreen?

I have no idea what could be causing that, it appears that the font is sized differently on your end

Hm,  I use 90% scaling isntead of the usual 100% on my computer.
But no game ever really cared about this, so not sure if it might be that or not


Same thing happens for me


I can’t seem to replicate this

hm, would have to do a  new game to retry that one (with the softlock). but I dont really wanna lose my savegame.
if possible, I'll try to do it, but no promises there

huh, guess that was jsut my computer being weird there with the gun topic. Just retried it and this time, upon light beam induced suicice, I respawned at the gun location and had the gun again (vs before where I respawned there without the gun).

the text box thing is still there though, even happeneing in that gun throwing "cutscene".