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Greta is getting a new sprite for 0.5.2. I try to make human characters look kind of ugly on purpose in the game (so when you see a divine being passing as a human, or a gigachad like Androgeos, there's a big contrast), hopefully this one gets it across without looking terrifying. Did my best to capture the chaotic energy of the original sprite.

We're keeping the original for the speedrunner route though.

Inhumanity calls to inhumanity. 

Feels like speedrunner, besides being more humorous also seems more raw, in terms of an actual real life person being thrown into a modern magical setting like this. 


I fear OG Greta, but at the same time having a New Greta feels weird


It's the same Greta as always. She's just... wearing a different exoskeleton.

Does this mean Greta being an arthropod is canon


Bold of you to assume she can be categorized together with carbon-based lifeforms.


No regretas

Le quitas el chiste a la vida (ya no podre comprender al novio de Greta)