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Thanks for your answer Kirill.

The works well for the browser, thanks, but i plan to make a version of my game for windows, mac and linux. What commands need to be used for exporting to a pc (i'm using web2executable, so nw.js)? Because on a windows export, it open the url in a new restricted window, not in your browser. And will it be another command for android?

"To display a variable in the text, you must use the variable name in angle brackets <variable_name>. (I checked, I probably broke this feature, I will fix it in the next release)"

Do you have a screen or example because i really don't see what you meant? Even if the feature is broken, at least i will know how to do it when the next release is online.

And i found another bug (sorry). On my main screen, when i click on "load" button, if there was no previous save game, buttons disappear. And of course a new player doesn't have a previous save game...

Before clicking:

After clicking on load button:

(1 edit)

for nw.js the command would be like this:


for Android, if you use Cordova as in the guide, then there is the same as in the browser. ('');  

For a demonstration of working with variables, try this example the value from the variable into the text can be inserted like this

With the problematic "load" button, thanks for saying 👍

(5 edits) (+1)

Nice example for the variables, i will try it soon.

If you made a banner/button to advertise your great engine, i will be happy to add it in my game.

"for nw.js the command would be like this: nw.Shell.openExternal(\"\")"

I tried but it wasn't working so i googled your command and found the correct one. Thanks a lot, it will be usefull :)
