This was fun :3 All the art was gorgeous! Oh, and the search tool was much appreciated because I'm the type of player who will give up pretty easily with that sort of gameplay and just go look at a guide or leave the game >.< So having that was brilliant! And everything else I will have to say under...
So yeah, I definitely enjoyed playing through! I'm not really a fan of little kids, so I wasn't as soul-destroyed as some players xD (Just went and browsed comments after reaching the first ending.) Now, if Lily had been a dog, cat, or pretty much any other animal, different story because I have been known to cry at the death of animal companions in video games, haha. I'm just not a people person x3
She was still super cute though in terms of design and stuff! I just didn't care about what happened to her because I'm a monster. Sorry T_T hehe. Even so, I'm not quite as monstrous as MC xD I had a feeling that might be the path it was going down when the first opportunity to sing came up, but I still enjoyed watching it all play out!
I'll have to check out the additional endings later in the month cos I'm trying to play a bit of all the games while I have the time :3
Oh, and I really loved the title menu change after 1st time completion! Little details like that always get me excited :D