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The aesthetic is wonderful. Very much reminds me of Yoshi's Island.

Unfortunately, it makes the game a little hard to understand. It's not very clear what counts as solid ground, and what doesn't. Especially on the clouds level, where I couldn't even work out how to get to the flower.

The music was also charming, as were the sound effects.


Absolutely fair! The last level is indeed really inspired by the cloud levels of Yoshi's Island :)

If you're curious the path for the last level is : 

1. Go to the far right and take the teleporter

2. Go to the teleporter on the left by doing some up and down on the vines and avoiding the birds

3. Go the far right, passing behind the gates

4. Take one of the green teleporters on top, it will teleport you to the flower and back to step 2

5. Re-navigate back to the top to the queen

Thanks for playing and the feedback :)