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Interesting game. I like the concept, but I feel like it was held back enormously by bad controls.

  • there's no way to tell what you're looking at/what you're going to pick up
  • mouse movement feels floaty and weird
  • while holding something, you can't change the height you're holding it at by looking around
  • the player moves excruciatingly slowly
  • the controls are never explained. I had to go to your itch page to figure out how to pick things up, and the instructions on your itch page are actually wrong! I only figured it out via trial and error.

Good controls are one of the most important things for the feel of a game, and I think you need to spend more time and effort on them next time.


Thanks for the feedback, i was time limited due to work and other stuff so i didnt get to spend as much time as i wanted. I accidentally put the wrong grab button in the itchio page because of years of using e in games to interact, i just naturally put it as e without thinking. Thanks again