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Ah yes, difficult! Don't forget to observe everything with the right click! Then mix items in the inventory, talk to everyone... There is a solution :D Sorry that you find it so hard. It's not necessarily a game for young people despite the look of it. I'm sure you can do it!!


It's odd that I have all the ingredients but Melissa doesn't want to say how to get the light, I guess I have to get the acorn first but what to use to dig... over 2 hours in... Jesus.

(1 edit)

Ah... Airmid said she would first brew something with the ingredients, then the light needs to be added. (should have made that clearer, sorry)

I thought we'd have to make the recipe... Hmm... let's see. 


Alright, thank you. World & grandma saved. Now about that tree of chocolate bars... 


Congrats! You made it!

Now I just need to... make it again... and record. Tomorrow. :) 

If possible, please use the updated version 1.0.1 for the recording. We always appreciate your videos.

Downloaded. What does the update add/fix? :)

(3 edits)

There were some minor bugs that you luckily might not have come across, and credits not showing at the end, some missing effect, some placeholder not removed, things like that. Unfortunately we have just found a major bug that may break the game, so there will probably be another update soon.

I was lucky, no major issues, and no breaking bug when recording. :)