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You need patreon code for money to play it, but its one of the best adult games on ichio 

fun, a lot of unexpected but interesting events

characters have arc and getting more mature or idk 

also runey give back android and idk finish maria


You realize google is a thing right? You can find cheats easily if you're too lazy to play. I pay because Runey deserves the money for the work that's already been done.


They've also never been needed to play, which was weird of Angeraw to assume. I have access to the cheats myself and recently finished a fresh save without them. Hell, I still have about four grand spare.


What would you need to cheat for? There's more than enough money in the natural course of the game.

(2 edits) (-1)

I think I fucked up really bad and there wasn't any to spare for a huge part of the game. I only started having money to spare when I built the bar

Another thing I fucked up is not improving exhibitionism

Edit: Finished the game being 3000 dollars in debt. Though, money doesn't restrict you from doing story-type stuff, it only restricts you from the shop (which can restrict you from the plot)

I had a two week in-game grind in order to buy one of the elves because I already spent all my money on clothes, thought the game was almost finished. That was the only time money stopped me. I was behind on so many optional things as well, I was too focused on the plot. Next time I play I'll focus on one girl at the time, instead of plot