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A member registered Sep 08, 2019

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That's a very mature way of going about it

It does not

Depends on the cheat code

It's kinda linked to the story. She's worried at some point and you talk to her in room to help her relax, but there is an option to go to the hot spring instead which has a warning of locking you out of the repeatable scene if you choose it.

The incident at her workplace, if you mean the pizza place, is related to her lust and is one of the options to Finish.


How does one achieve this please

What would you need to cheat for? There's more than enough money in the natural course of the game.

Emma likes being called Good Girl, Felicity likes being called Kitty, those are the only ones I've used so far.

Okay, just checking. More reason to replay eventually! Thanks :)

Honestly one of my favourite games, period. Been following for a while now and wondering if there's a way to view the remade story scenes without starting a new game, perhaps? Or the old variations for exhibitionism scenes when they're reworked.

Looking forward to it! Been following for a while now and wondering if there's a way to view the remade story scenes without starting a new game, perhaps? Or the old variations for exhibitionism scenes when they're reworked.

Genuinely one of my favourite games on the internet! Love the work you've put into this. Just wondering if there's any way to repeat the sex scene with Lin where she sleeps in your bed for the first time. Or if there's a way to get sex scenes when you sleep with any of the other girls at night?