After 1h40 I got the 2 first endings. And you, you got the full 5 stars. This is the best game of the jam.
Solving the puzzles was as fun as it was hard (especialy the red room), I loved the last balloon one, with the skull pattern. The story was perfect too. I guess there's alternate answers to the puzzles that give you different endings , right ? Because I don't see anywhere a point where you can "change the branch" of the story. Except (SPOILER) the moment when you have to take the bird's blood. The fact that you have a choice (even 2) intrigues me because I don't see how to continue without it.
Something that I would have loved to see is when (SPOILER) you have to write the shapes's names, you could write the 3 people's names that were associated with them. (s*, v* & u*) I thought about it and was disappointed that it didn't do anything.
btw the window positionning / zoom is messed up in the web version when you fullscreen via the preference menu, exit fullscreen, via Itch's exit fullscreen "x" button and then re-fullscreen via the preference menu.