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Neat idea that health regenerates but stamina doesn't. Although, attacks just consume way too much stamina, between fighting every enemy I have to wait a few seconds to make sure both bars are completely full to even get a chance of progressing. Also the audio levels are really unbalanced, I turned up the volume to hear the music but that made the SFX hurt my ears when they played.

Thanks for the feedback, much appreciated!

I wanted stamina to be scarce :) You get also HP back when killing an enemy, I was thinking about a mechanic to force the player to push forward without waiting for the stamina and HP to refresh, but haven't had any good ideas. 

Spoiler: Having stamina full, red and blue enemies can be killed pretty easy by using the shield on the first enemy attack timed so there is enough stamina left for 3 hits. That's a pretty save method to kill reds instant and blues only needing one more hit. 

And sorry for the audio, I know that's an even weaker area than my pixel skills :(