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First off, I really enjoy the concept! I love turn based civ building games, and I love RTS, and this seems to do a great job at combining them :) It seems to have lots of untapped potential, so keep working on it :D

However, it does pose a slightly big difficulty curve, as I barely got started before numerous enemies appeared. It took me a couple tries before I could get somewhere, but once I did, I felt like it was cool how there were secret things like ores in the corners of the world. 

If I could make some suggestion: Enemy tribes, which start off in the same place as you. They could be much further off the map. There could be a fog-of-war coupled with this that would require explorers maybe to be able to see more. If you conquer an enemy tribe, it becomes your own.

Anyways, keep up the good work! It might be unfinished, but what you put out makes me excited to see where you will take it ;)

~ Adam "PixelDough" Worrell, from the Duck Jam team

Yeah, I was going to do this in the remake, And I was also planning that to be in this version. But due to a lack of time I had to remove many of my ideas that I wanted to have in it.

Overall I think this was probably for the best because half implemented features would've made the game look worse.                                                  But yeah I think I should've at least added a wait timer for the enemy villages for attacking.