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I love the drawings and the player anims are also cool! It is really cool how you have the music change tone with your life changing!
As others also said before: for me the combat feels a bit off, I tried really hard to master it, but the anims and the damages are off somehow making it sort of impossible to figure out.

Regardless the things still need to be polished, having this scope working and playable in two weeks is a great achievement! Well done! I hope you will keep working on it! :)


Thanks. Yeah, we scoped too big on this and should have looked at getting a few others to playtest some more (and setting up how to achieve that).  I just used hit and run tactics. Dash in, hit, dash out. Rinse and repeat :P. Well, until you get to the nightmares in the inner city area. Definitely my first time programming the tactics and creating my own sprites. Took my animation expertise in there, but I'm still a noob in the programming side. Next time I do combat that is somewhat like this, I have learned a lot (like events in animation to call on functions. I figured that out the day before it was due...AHAHAHAHA!