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I find this quite unfair. If I knew of this time extension I would have polished my game more.


This time extension is just 2 hours, only to allow people that have missed the deadline because of timezone-related issues


Is it two hours? It looks like the jam is still open to me despite submissions closing 16 hours ago. I also would have fixed some things that people brought to my attention since then.


The jam is only open for people that were misled by June 2nd date and forgot to check the timezone.

Regarding game breaking updates, you can make them in the rating period. 

(1 edit) (+2)

Hell yeah, I would have finished my game instead of sulking all day LMAO. I got a bunch of stuff working right after the jam ended (like a playable-ish level). I guess it's on me really for not checking until now, this week as been really busy outside of the jam.