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Had a hard time understand how to play this game. no control or explanation of your goal really hurt the experience. i also got stuck and fell through the map in all 3 playthroughs sadly. this is an extremely impressive achievement in terms of scope and quality of elements and if you update the game after the jam I'd love to try it again as polish was the main downfall.

I'm sorry for the harshness but i do believe it would seem the limited time of the jam was its main downfall sadly.


Thank you for taking the time to play our game, I couldn't agree more with what you have to say unfortunately.  I believe our main issue was a classic case of over scoping. Although we managed to deliver on the graphical side of the game with myself and the other modeller working some crazy hours to achieve it, our programmers were quite overwhelmed with the scope of the mechanics in which they had to complete. The control scheme should have been implemented into the main UI but again we did not quite find the time.  Next jam we do, we will be definitely scoping back to provide a better rounded experience.  However should you be interested I believe the issues our game has are being ironed out currently and after the jam an experience closer to the one we wanted to provide will be available.