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We've done a LOT of work for such short amount of time. Good job! I like the simulation itself. I think it's good (see my favourite Democracy). Just a couple notes

- font fits the theme but it's really hard to read, even after few minutes I can't get used to it

- very quickly I began experiencing decision fatique, having new decision every turn on top of policies and budgeting was exhausting, I 'd maybe make it shorter in amount of text and eveery third turn or so

- factions list could use graph or something so I can see all fanctions standing without need to scroll, it'S hard to see the clear picture this way


Thanks for the thoughtful and useful feedback! I agree with all points. I ended up going a bit broader on the game than I probably should have when a smaller slice of this idea with more time to polish and rework the UI would have been more pleasant to play. Oh well, live and learn.

Don't worry. I know this very well. We all overshoot in the heat of passion :D Btw. how did you design such complex strategy in such a short time? Can you share some tips? Wink wink ;)

Heh, it's not as complex as it may look. Probably 70% of the development time went to writing parsers and their logic so I can just feed dictionaries of mostly text into the game and have it spit out, organize and load all the policies and events that occur. After that, I just wrote and wrote and wrote...

Not the funnest programming exercise, but it did make it easy for me to get content into the game once it was built.