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Amazing work on the sprites, and I like the background music. I also like that you added in different types of ships with different shooting patterns. The dodging is fun and I like how the enemies move and shoot differently from each other.

The bullets blend in with the background too much sometimes. This is especially a problem in the first stage, where it becomes really hard to see them over the water when they turn blue. I would add a thick outline around them, or just make them bright red or something to contrast with the darker look. I also think the boss takes way too much time to come - I thought it was an endless shooter at first until I saw the screenshots of the bosses. Finally, there should be some audio cues for when you get hit.

Overall, great job on the art and the game! I managed to beat the whole thing.

Thanks ! Glad you've enjoyed it and played it to the end :) 

i wanted to try and have as much variety as i could with the ships and ennemies cause i feel i didn't have much in my past games, so hopefully i was able to deliver this time XD

Yeah now that i look at it i agree, the bullets definitively blend in a bit too much, i thought the constant color change would help having them stand out but i'll have to see which will be the best way to fix this.

As for the boss that's cause of the not that great system i made for how levels go, levels have a fixed number of each type of enemy and when all are dead the boss appears, this was not the brightest ideas cause indeed levels can be un necesseraly long like this, but i had some issues with spawns and all during developement and i didn't really had much time left to rethink my level structure  and same lack of time left applies for the  audio cues ^^'

Thanks again for trying my game out, and taking time to give some feedback !  :)