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I love the visuals and sound, but there are a few mechanical problems that really hurt my enjoyment:

1. It's way too easy to get stuck in doorframes, and that makes it a huge pain to go around.

2. The camera movements are very choppy, which is tiring on the eye.

3. Because you don't know where the admins are when a level starts, it can be very frustrating to know how to start. For example, in level 3, if you go up to the computer, hack it, and then you're facing a straight hallway with an admin coming at you. That feels like a cheap trap.

I like the concept and presentation, but the mechanics need a bit more polish to shine.

Thank you so much for your feedback! A lot of great comments. We already have a couple of ideas on how to make the character's passage through the doors more convenient. The intermittency of the camera was found out only after the build under Webgl, there may be problems with the movement scripts. But with regard to the third proposal, there are many solutions and we are still thinking about the most optimal one.


I think a simple one, for point 3, would be to start each level with an overview of the full building, with the computers, player, and sysadmins clearly highlighted. This would give the player a chance to plan their route cleanly.