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Hmm. I don't think I touched any of the controller stuff. Right now I'm using Unity's stock input system, hopefully that won't have to change.

With the multiplayer in a mostly playable state, I'm thinking I'm just going to work on animations for a while. COMPLETE notguts might be on the horizon.

Thanks for the feedback, as usual. I'd love to play a new build of Devil Engine if you're putting one up this time

Good to hear. Didn't test the multiplayer because I'm friendless and don't have 4 hands, but it sounds like it could be neat, if a bit clusterfuckey.

No new demo this time, not sure if I'll do another one because adding stage 3 would mean more than half the game is in the demo, but we'll see in the coming months. I did update the dd16 build with rebindable controls and a JP translation (More news coming from that soon here...) if you didn't see that.