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Thank you for the comment! Totally agree with you about the level design issue. I'll keep improving my skill in that area. I'm glad you like it and thank you for this detailed comment!

Still great work with what you turned in!


I checked your video. Sorry for the trouble with the windows screen size issue. And the boss is actually attackable after it breaks out of the stones. I'll try to give more hints to players in later battles like this. I'm sad that you didn't make it to the end of the game. We have a playthrough provided on the game page if you'd like to check. But thanks a lot for making it and I really enjoyed watching your video!

No biggie, making a game that can fit on every type of monitor can be a real challenge on it's own! And I did go back off camera and beat it. I only got one of the endings though. lol And thanks for checking out the video!