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Cool entry! Here are my complete feedback:

* Positive points
- I like the fact to be able to switch between the characters with their own speciality, it encourages to be strategic.

- The sound design is pretty good

- It is same also for the graphics, especially the effects of lights and when opening doors, it is quite  impressive

* Negative points
- I got lost a lot of time, so it was hard for me to be efficient in my movements

- The character movement works pretty well, however, visually it is weird, it seems to be stuttering (maybe linked to its rigibody interpolation)

- I felt that the Alien was too powerful, indeed, each time he attacked me, he got my character which was frustrating at times

Overall, nice job!


Thanks for your detailed feedback!
Getting lost a lot of the time was something we left in because when it's dark it hard to tell where you have been... in fact, some of the "doors" you can open can actually be bypassed if you take a longer route.  We considered a minimap for the HUD but decided against it because it made the level too easy to navigate which took away from the horror.

Yes, I noticed that the light and character had some jitter. We can look into your solution, thank you!

Yes the alien is quite powerful, I have actually dodged the alien in a narrow hallway multiple times. if you spent time trying to shoot it... it will kill you. The monster is meant not to die but only retreat if it takes enough damage. It is better to hide from it (you can hear it as it gets closer) or peek around corners before barreling off.  For the horror aspect we tried to leave it more powerful but we can look into slowing it down or lessening the AI some. As a side note, scientist is super fast but can't shoot any guns so he is also good for exploration but I default the smuggler every time. :) 


Thanks for the constructive feedback! I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Yeh we can see from the feedback the alien can be a bit overwealming, though we did want to try and strike fear into the hearts of the players!