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Yes, the daily work can be anything, as long as it's work that's meaningful to you (not a meaningless work assignment or obligation) and creative work (not "I spent my time learning about quickbooks so I can eventually sell my game").

(5 edits)


First off, thank you for this jam. It seems perfect for what I am doing. I just have a few questions.

Maybe I've missed something, but how do you submit the devlog? 

Also, I'm planning to make devlogs for the final version of a game demo. I hope that's fine, and that it's fine to keep my game title as it is. I'll name my devlogs after the jam.



Hey! Welcome! You can use Itch's devlog functionality:

...or you can simply upload a text file every day to your project.

Should we post the links of our develogs as comments in our submissions, or will you check them under or game page?


I can check them on your page. I'm glad to check, but ultimately wether or not you worked 6 days out of every week will be based on trust. Someone would be able to fake it if they want to, but that would only be letting themselves down.