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The game really hits you with a cool aesthetic, but my immediate experience was kind of interrupted by the fact I had no idea what to do... a little keyboard mashing later I figured out A was shoot--so it could have been nice to include a tutorial or clear prompt for the controls before starting.

I liked the way the weapon shot but like many of the others I found myself mainly holding it down instead of really thinking about using that spread mechanic as it just seemed easier. Perhaps integrating a weapon overheat mechanic could help that become more of a thing.

Furthermore, I felt there was a bit of a lack of progression with my few tries always yielding waves upon waves of similar enemies and placements. But perhaps that's just me not getting far enough... haha.

Either way you've got a nice eye for a cool aesthetic so I look forward to seeing where you take that next!


Thanks for playing.

There was a control paragraph in the discription of the game, but for sure an in game tutorial would had been great. I just lefted this for the end but when the time came I just created a video trailer

Also cause this runs through an emulator I hoped that the keys will had been easier to find out.

I was thinking to add a meter in the begining but then I got the idea that you will get smaller, so I used this as meter.

Yes the enemies are only 3 in kind and a boss. I was out of time to experiment with more enemies and I was very afraid that I will hit some limits of the embended enviroment of Mega Drive / Genesis before I start the creation of the stage. But even the way to get the data inside took me more time from what I was planning so left the experimentation aside to rush and finish the game.