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Daydreamer is really well done! The controls (jumping specifically) feel kind of floaty but they do what they need to do. The looking up and down mechanic feels a little strange to me since I can't do it simultaneously while walking, but the levels are small and self-contained enough to figure out where to go.

The dreaming mechanic was great! I really liked the deeper sleep section- it gives off a sense of urgency especially so when you took a peek at what is happening in real time. The visuals combined with the music went well with the layers of dreaming the character fell into- the bright colors in the first level of sleep along with being able to fly (of course!) going into an eerie, almost sleep paralysis-like level of limitation were well done.

If I may suggest  something: as levels get bigger, pull the camera back so players get a sense of "I need to go up/ right" as soon as they see it so they can focus more on the dreaming mechanic and less on potentially going a wrong way. 

I enjoyed the game thoroughly and wish you good luck in the future! Great work!!

Thanks a lot for the review. I really appreciate it :)