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(1 edit) (+1)

Cool idea, but it was a little confusing, and the minesweeper implementation could have been better (stuff like your first click shouldn't be a mine, and it should automatically clear out all the adjacent tiles that have 0 mines nearby, also chords would have been nice)

Thanks for the feedback! Time constraint took a toll in the game, we weren't a full team so we could only do some things :P
We'll definitely fix this in a post jam version, and also add some juice to the combat

Hi! I'm the programmer. We didn't really have too much time, made this in about ~24 (sleepless) hours. There's so much juice (and balance) we wanted to add, but time didn't allow. The adjacent mines not being automatically uncovered was implemented, but we decided to remove it because it made the game a little too easy. It might not have been a good idea, looking back.

Thanks for your feedback!