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Thanks so much for playing! I'm really glad you enjoyed the writing, as that's an area I'm not super confident in... but judging from overall feedback, it worked out!

Mini-games/interactivity in visual novels are important to me. I've enjoyed a kinetic novel here and there, but visual novels with something else blended in always end up standing out more!

If anything, I would have liked to have included a little more choice and interactivity, but due to my majorly late start on this jam, I had to scale the ideas to fit the deadline. Jams are such a double edged sword for me... they give me the drive and motivation to finish something, but also leave me feeling like I could have done more! (I do have a small update planned, but it's mostly just polish to some of the background art.)

Thanks so much for all your comments and feedback! I really appreciate it!

(1 edit) (+1)

Yeah, I feel you!  I actually got a good start on my game this year (as opposed to prior YuriJams) and I still had to cut a lot of what I'd planned. But imo it's so much better to cut and get something done than to stick to a large design and never finish.

I really enjoy mini games in most genre, honestly.  Especially in narrative games I feel like a well-integrated mini game can really enhance the role playing experience.  But a lot of the VNs I've played (and even some that I've worked on) the mini games just feel tacked on -- I really liked how yours melded with the story so well!


Oh, one other thing -- I think some of the name captions might be wrong during this scene?  It's possible something was going on story-related that I didn't understand due to not having played the other titles yet, but to me it looked like these were Paisley's lines being attributed to Camilla.


Thanks for pointing that out! Definitely a mistake on my part. I'm surprised this didn't happen more often, as I hurriedly cut and pasted dialogue, names, and other flags into a giant spreadsheet at the last minute.

I'll fix this when I update the BG art! Thank you!