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Brilliant! This is an incredibly high quality and polished experience.

Let me start with the graphics which are super appealing. I especially like the intricately detailed and well designed main character, really gives the game a flamboyant vibe. I find the gadgets and weapon make him appear really cool. The low poly platforms and clutter fit the game's aesthetic perfectly and read very well when the player is moving through the sky at high speed. The UI is also of very high quality and well designed, which makes the feel like a commercial release. Please let me know how you achieved the cloud effect, are those just static meshes (voxels + marching cubes)? They really look great!

Jumping and swinging through the air with the grappling hook is a joy. The movement feels really smooth and the control is surprisingly precise even at high speeds. Though I do have a minor gripe with the unwanted momentum that comes with the slice attack, which often caused me to fall off of my platform, though this can of course be remedied with a well-timed grapple. 

The music and sound effects complement the game very well, I especially like the pneumatic hiss when performing jumps.  I was a bit surprised however that there is no real feedback when the character takes damage.

Of course, the most disappointing thing about this game is that it just ended after collecting the scrap, I would have happily gone on playing more levels for much longer!

This game was okay


Thank you for the thoughtful comments! For the cloud effect I followed some of the steps from this twitter thread by Alex Strook, specifically the cloud mesh was made manually kind of like how it's shown here, with lighting baked in blender into the vertex normals to be used by the shader. Then I wrote a shader in Shader Graph for displacement and color noise over time. It's missing a lot of the advanced features shown in that thread, some that aren't supported by the graphics pipeline I'm using in Unity and some I just don't need since you won't be running into the clouds.

Definitely agree that the slicing movement makes it too difficult to control. I had wanted to make the attack more like the hook where you don't have to be precise but I didn't have time. Same goes for taking damage, oh well! Thanks for playing!

Cool! I'm definitely going to be trying the cloud thing out, thanks!