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I'm stuck on the very first level. "The blue blocks like to dance" the help says. What blue blocks? the only thing I see that might even be considered to be a blue block is Barky themself (because they're blue), and I've been dancing Barky around for five minutes and nothing is happening.

Ok I got past that one, but now I'm stuck on "Spikeys"

Alright, I beat who's who by guessing (three of them I guessed) but I don't know how to get past the lock to the right of it. I know I need to get to the right of it, but I have no idea how

Unless there's a secret way, but IDK


I'll phrase it a different way: how do you get to this level?

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see the 3 grasses near the beginning of the world? *Cough Cough* godowninbetweenthemandfollowthepath *Cough Cough* what?

Can you give some clues on it? I'm scratching my head.

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There is some help that was supposed to popup if you are stuck for too long in first level. For some reason it was not working properly, it will be fixed in next update. edit: fix is live