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A member registered Dec 25, 2019

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Honestly, I think it would help a lot. Maybe you don't freeze until after you start moving? Anything to have a chance to at least get started.

This might be ok if you actually had the chance to see where the robot was before you were told you froze to death.

Never could toss the potion and make the jump upward. Finally gave up on it.

That was pretty good. Not crazy hard and not super easy. Good balance! Thank you!!

Pretty cool game!! Thank you!!

Got 'em all. Wish it had a few more levels, but it was really fun.

Good game!!!

Thanks for the clue, but I still can't get it. I just gave up on this game.

WOW! That was some kinda fun!! And the bonus levels... phew... but I am the ULTIMATE Champion!!

Good game! Thank you for sharing it! The perfect balance of challenging without impossible.

Hahaha! I actually mean the very first puzzle. Le sigh. Seriously, I'm stuck there. Regardless of how not so smart I am with puzzlescript games, I love them. Thanks for uploading this... going to check out your other ones.

Honestly, I think this game is great, but I do appreciate the slowed down version. I just can't seem to get the timing right. Regardless, I continued to come back.

Now, can anyone tell me how to get past the pillars. What are these orange squares of which you speak?

Not sure what I was doing because my Spanish is horrible, but I loved the graphics. Any plans to  translate to English?

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Can this even be done? All I seem to do on level one is just move in circles. ** Of course, about 2 seconds after I post that, they guy runs into the alcove. I have no idea what I did to get him there, but there you go.

Got it!! Thank you!!

I'll go ahead and just ask. How do you do unfound footage?

WoW! What a neat mix of all the games I used to play as a kid. You even have the old design of the Imagic game carts down! Well done!!!!

Good game. Just ends too soon!

Hard enough to be a challenge but not annoying. Thank you!!

Good game!!

I'm not sure why I wasted 4 weeks washing clothes... but, here I am. Does anything else happen? As far as the emotion I feel whenever I do laundry... you nailed it.

This is really cool. My only question... am I supposed to lose sanity that fast?

Any clues?

Someone got a video of actually beating this thing? Is it even possible to get back to the start of it?

342 dead Harolds, 12 saved, 149 resets, 62:41 -- lots of fun, lots of frustration!! Good game!!

After all these years and actual experience feeding this thing quarters back in the day, I still suck at this game. You did a great job with it.

Yep. I just clicked release game about 5x and won. Good for me.

How do I even open the door to play the thing?

Any suggestions on how to start?

How in the name of all that is holy do you get past the room adjacent to the red square (upper level)?? I surrender. How do you do it?

Any hints on the last room? I'm not ah-ha-ing.

You should dive it. That wall is amazing!

Good game. Took me a few days and a few rage quits, but I persevered. Thanks for sharing!!

That was fun! Thanks for sharing!

That was for about 5 minutes. Then I realized I'm an idiot and gave up. Good game.

Good game. Next to last level took some time but conquered! Thanks for sharing!

Any clues for that last room? I'm not seeing that "a-ha" moment.

Hahahahahaahahahaha! Perfect!!

After I understood how it all worked, I really enjoyed it! Good game and some good puzzles. Challenging without requiring me to be a member of Mensa to solve them! Thank you!!

(1 edit)

You are going to have to explain this to me like I'm 5. I've pushed those logs up, but I don't see anyway to get them onto the land. The problem is not the water. I can swim. The problem is getting a log onto land so I can fill in the pit and then climb the stairs.  I absolutely do not see any way to do it.

** Nevermind. I found a walkthrough. I'd have never got that.