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If you're using the starter sword, most enemies can be killed with one or two charge attacks. Perhaps this should've been more clear, but the staff is only supposed to be used in situations where it's very hard to use a sword, and thus staves have very low damage. 

As for weapon switching, I'm not sure how to make it easier-- there's already scrollwheel and number selection support...?

I didn't know there was a charge attack. Maybe try charge attack on same button as regular attack, if you hold it down. Otherwise it's a waste of a button. That opens up right mouse button to equip ranged/secondary weapon with it's own charge attack. I tried again, and as a player I'd like more direction. Where should I go, what should I do? A map would help with that. Also anything that carries over between deaths would help give more momentum. I noticed that health also refills slowly which makes me feel like that is a crutch for the difficulty being too high, and easily exploited when it feels like players should be rewarded for moving forwards rather then waiting. I also noticed in just the first area there are 4 different shapes of enemy projectiles, I'm not sure what the difference is in terms of damage or otherwise, it's not very obvious. I'd recommend limiting it to fewer projectile types with very clear differences, either large damage increase or status effect change. Also having enemies throw out less projectiles at a time so they are more easily avoidable. I hope this is all helpful feedback, this game has a lot of potential!