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Yes, it is. I work with SDL2, and OpenGL if more complicated graphics are required. SoLoud as my audio engine. All are open source.

For asset creation: Gimp, Blender, LMMS. All open source.


I use almost an identical set of tools, so yes it is possible to make games with only open-source software.

A tool is just an extension of the developer. It can do a lot or very little, depending on who’s wielding it. Don’t let the tools wield you.

SDL2 uses Rush right? I bought a Rush class, looking for a good game engine for it.


I have not heard of Rush. Did you misspell Rust? SDL2 is built solely on C, but many wrappers are available for it, including for Rust.


Yes, Rust! First thing I have to learn is the correct name of the language... SDL2 is listed as an option to develop in Rust, but in fact is a library. I still don't know how this things works, I came from scripts to C# and now wish to go a bit deeper. Thought will be necessary for Rust...