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Looking at the html of the page:

It looks like you may need to hide the class ‘header_buy_row’. It’s worth checking around if this appears in a different part of the page that you want to be visible. After a quick search I couldn’t find any other instance.

There are multiple ways to hide it, each with their cons and pros. Once I could think is with CSS:

display: none;

That removes it from the page so that it doesn’t consume any space, but it might move some other elements around.

I hope this helps, I haven’t tried custom CSS on Itch, so I’m not aware of any pitfalls this might create.


Thank you very much! I added the custom CSS below and it hides the text entirely (I'm using a test page for an updated version of my game so this change isn't visible on the current page).

.header_buy_row {
visibility: hidden;
height: 0px;