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(3 edits)

Yes, I wrote and ran it on Linux.

I’ll update the README with better instructions. Do you have python 3.7 or better installed?

Try specifically using python3 instead of just python as the command to start the game.

  1. Use Python to install the requirements:
$ python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Start the game:
$ python3 ./

I encountered the same errors on ArchLinux. python 3.8.5, pygame 1.9.6. I think those are just warnings (though legit, I do think you want == and not is).

There was an actual error that prevented the game from launching though:

AttributeError: module 'pygame.sprite' has no attribute 'Sprite'

I noticed that requirements.txt doesn’t pin to a specific version of pygame, maybe that’s the issue?

Also FWIW the jam page tells you to source venv/bin/activate, which isn’t included in the download (but does appear to be commited to your repo).


Thanks for the feedback.

I’ve updated the game with a numbered requirement, and I’ve changed some conditionals in the code to avoid warnings and errors.