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Hey! Really cool little game! 

The bit mechanics are really nice, I'd love to see it in greater detail. 

Puzzles are really cleverly made, but I found a bug, this being that even if you died, if your tombstone would touch the flag, it would prompt me to the next level. 

Also, if you used the final bit, the "warping" one, the one that will put the player at the top of the level if they fell down, and you would quickly toggle the first bit on and off, the player would get stuck between the top and bottom of some levels (the ones that had a floor and a ceiling/roof).  I found myself just positioning the player above the flag, and turning the first bit on, after which the player would just fall to the flag.

This combined with the tombstone thing I mentioned earlier, meant that some levels were really easy to pass, without needing to solve the puzzle in that level.

But leaving this aside, I had a good time playing, really cool art, great music, and overall, a lot of fun! Great job!

(1 edit) (+1)

Thanks! :-)

About that tombstone bug: it's actually a part of the game's mechanics (we've called it tombstone drifting); initially there was a level requiring player to perform this technique to win, but we've struggled on how to present it to player and eventually we've abandoned the idea, leaving tombstone-winning as an easter egg  (unexpected!) :-)


Wow! I really felt like I had broken the game! Great work, guys! Really an awesome game! :))))