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Thank you for the feedback! Music is definitely something we should pay more attention to in future works, I agree.

I'm sorry to hear you encountered that bug! It seems to happen rarely, and I couldn't track it down yet. Do you remember what you were doing prior/during the bug? I would love to do a quick fix if the jam allows it (if not, I still want to fix it after the jam). If you do end up finishing the game, I would love to know what you thought about our unexpected aspect in the third chapter, but I understand if it's too tedious to go through the whole thing again after that bug :3


I have given the game another chance, and I got all the way to the end. I don't know if the ending is super unexpected, but it's an good and well written ending. And by the way, the art work on the paintings is really super good.

I guess that the note issue is that I'm probably able to open more then one noted at the same time. When I have more then one note open, and I tries to remove it, I can probably only remove the last one I have opened. 


Oooh. That's definitely something I didn't think of. Thanks for letting me know!! This is super helpful feedback.