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A member registered Apr 08, 2017 · View creator page →

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Spillede det alene. Men det var et super sjovt og ret vellavet lille spil. Forstod ikke hvordan opgraderings systemet virkede.

Ideen er super sjov, men for mig var spillet for svært at spille.

Har ikke haft mullighed for at spille mod nogen. Men musikken var god og spillet er rimmeligt flot. Godt gået.

God music og grafik. Elsker spillets stemning. Gameplayet er rimmeligt sjovt, men det er ofte lidt svært at se hvad det er der sker, og jeg er ofte ikke sikker på hvorfor jeg døde. Overordnet er rigtigt sjovt lille jam spil. Godt gået.

Virker umiddelbart meget sjovt, men forstod ikke 100% ideen. Kan godt lide det visuelle og spillets stemning er også meget god.

Spillet er rigtigt flot, men gameplayet er lidt ufærdigt.

Thank you for a really great game jam.

This was the perfect game jam for me, because I really would like to make a Christmas game, and I like to try to make a game that more fast past then most of my other games. 

I liked the games made for the jam. I would have liked if people in the jam was a bit better at playing each other's games, but okay this is the way it is in most jams.

And finally thank you for hosting a fun little Christmas Jam.

A fun little puzzle platformer. Well done.

I like the story, visuals, voice acting and the music. The gameplay idea is pretty good, but the shooting is a bit choppy and the AI is not very good. But still overall a pretty good jam game. Well done.

Controls felt a bit slow, but else a good little Christmas game. Well done.

A super simple and fun little Christmas game. Some Christmas music would have been great, but else a good little jam game. Well done.

A peaceful and relaxing little game. Liked it. Well done.

This a fun little Christmas game. And yes the oven mini game is too difficult, but I got past it. I like both the visuals and the music. Overall a pretty good and well made jam game. Well done.

Why do you think you are more secure with web version? The game is still downloaded, and it can just as well have viruses. I often prefer download version because it can be higher quality, and yes it can have viruses like every thing else on the internet.

I have not seen any of virus alerts of trojan horses, but it's sadly possible there are some bad games. Most virus alerts I have seen is about the games is nearly never downloaded, and therefor it's not recommend by the browser to download them. They can of cause be bad games, but there is no way to know if they are good or bad.

This is a weirdly funny little game. Well done.

It seem like I have to deliver gifts, and fight some kind of evil Santa, and I guess at some point get some more gas for the sleigh. 

Okay I can give gift to the elf, and some times the elf flyes out and give the gift to a child, or at least that is was think is happening. But some times nothing happens when I give the gift, and I have no idea why. But even when the elf do his job, it seem not matter much. I again guess that it gives me some "special attacks" I can do.

Then comes the evil Santa, and a prompt says that I shall press the "e"-key. I think this uses a "special attack", but it is not super clear if this what happens. Often it seem like nothing happens, and when some thing happens it looks like gifts get shot to out from the sleigh. But it does not really seem like it do anything to the evil Santa. It happened once that the evil Santa disappeared again, but I am not sure if it was because I used a "special attack".

The game just seem to end at a random point, sometimes I guess evil Santa do some, but I have never seen what he do. But again sometimes it just seem like the game just ends, and their is no evil Santa, I don't seem to be missing the delivery of the gifts, and the sleigh have a lot gas left.

Their is also some kind of score I can see, but I am not sure what it really is. So is it just how long I have played. Do I get points for delivering gift. Do I get points for fighting evil Santa. Is the goal of the game to get the highest score.

I have never reach a point where I could get more gas, and maybe it's not possible to get more gas, I don't know.

So overall am I pretty confused.

The visuals and the music is overall is really really really good. Santa animations/movement is weirdly choppy.  I don't totally understand the gameplay, and the game just seem to end without I know why. But the atmosphere is good, and with a bit more polish it could become a really good Christmas game.

Hard, but also a pretty funny little game.

A sweet and fun little Christmas game. I like both the visuals and the music. More gameplay would have been fun, but what is here is pretty good. Overall a good jam game.

A sweet and fun little puzzle platformer. Overall a good little jam game. Well done.

(1 edit)

Simple gameplay and the game is looking great. Some music and perhaps a bit more sound effects would have been great. Overall an okay little jam game.

I have no idea what is happening or why, but okay it could maybe have been fun you had time to finish it.

I like the visuals, music and sound effects. The idea is simple and fun. The controls felt a bit weird for some reason, but else a really good game. Well done.

The idea is okay, and l liked the visuals. Perhaps I am just bad at fighting, but I find the game really difficult.

The idea is fun. Both the music and visuals is really good.  Some of the bad things not necessarily bad in real life. But anyway a good jam game. Well done.

A sweet and pretty fun little Christmas Game. Well done.

A super simple, but still a pretty fun little Christmas game. Well done.

The idea is fun and I had fun trying it. It needs a end goal and some music. The game also felt a bit slow. But visuals is good, and the idea is simple and fun. Overall a fine little jam game.

Overall a funny little Christmas game. Some music and sound effects would have been great, but else a fine little jam game.

Timmy learned the real meaning of Christmas. A fun little game. Well done.

The idea is okay, and I had a bit fun playing it. But some music and perhaps a bit more gameplay would have been great.

The idea is fun. I like both the visuals and the music. But for me the game was way too difficult.

A sweet and fun little Christmas game. The music is good and I overall liked the visuals. I would have liked if the hint was voice acted. But overall a pretty good Christmas/jam game. Well done.

A simple and pretty fun little Christmas game. A built in high score system would have been fun.

An okay little Christmas game.

A bit weird, but also pretty funny.

Still missing a .pck file. My guess is you need to include some kind of folder.

Felt a bit buggy, but the idea was fun and I liked the atmosphere.

The idea is super fun, but I find it really difficult to play. The visuals is good. The game could have used some music and perhaps some other sound effects. Overall a interesting little jam game. Well done.

The idea is really good and I had fun trying the game. Some music and sound effects would have made it even better. Overall a good jam game. Well done.