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Your game was interesting, especially once I got to the end and realised that there were multiple endings. I really liked the use of sound and music to enhance the dramatic bit towards the end. I found it quite easy to get lost, I guess some landmarks or a map/minimap might help?  Or maybe the sprite assets used weren't distinct enough. I also found that unlimited ammo and stationary "enemies" made the game very easy, but I guess those black things aren't really your enemies...

Good demonstration of consequences in a jam game! I went through it again without killing anything and I was left with the things I spared. I didn't understand the link to the theme until the end, when it revealed you as one of the black things. It was your family they were ordering you to kill?! Subtle, but I like it. Thanks for making, I had fun :)

Thanks so much for the detailed reply! Glad you had fun with it!

A minimap is a great idea - I never even thought of that. I'll keep that in mind for future games I make! I tried to make the light sort of give you an idea of where to go, but I guess it is sparse...maybe some smaller lights would be better. Originally I had planned for the "enemies" to run away from you and also to have some static turrets shoot at you, but I couldn't get pathfinding working and decided to focus on the story + atmosphere instead. :)


I'm so glad you understood the link to the theme - what I was going for was more of "species" instead of "family", you have this entity talking to you, saying that they are pests, but are they really? In the end, you find out that you're one of them, so whatever path you chose, you feel different things about it. I really wanted the player to think about why they would kill these innocent creatures (they don't fight back), and I tried to make their death animations make the player feel bad (or to think twice about) doing it.