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Am I missing something? I have been shooting fireballs at the head with my auto clicker for about 5 minutes now and it wont die! (Why do you guys always want to destroy my mouse?) I understand that the swords do more damage, but this takes waaaaayyy too long to defeat the first enemy!

Each boss has certain conditions that have to be met in order for them to be vulnerable… for the first boss each one of the dice in the corners has to equal the same value before he can be damaged. Without that he will be invincible. It was intended to be a small puzzle but mostly boss fight, but maybe I should have included more hints

Oh, I was wondering what these dice where supposed to do. You should definitely make that more obvious (flashing colors screaming at you with the boss telegraphing his vulnerability). I came with a bullet hell mindset not ready for a puzzle. Gamers are dumb. When encountering a problem we work harder not smarter.

Tried it again, daim it is hard to set up the dice!

Yeah it’s definitely a hard game, but I appreciate your feedback and that you came back to try it again!

Ok I beat the first seal. The second was a cakewalk, but the third... Yeah I think I would rather not try again. You need to work on the balancing. It is all over the place. I would also like some checkpoints/level select. I can't play one game for half a day to get the full experience there are other games in need of rating!