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Phew man, stressing me out :) Game was fun actually. I like the limited area to run around and the progression. It sucks if you die though to go all the way back to a rabbit. All that hard work, gone. I could see this a bigger game with a bigger forest and more animals to choose from, but without the rewind part.

Some feedback. At first I couldn't figure out why after 20 carrots nothing happened. I didn't realize I had to die on purpose. Think there should be an option that appears and you can choose to "evolve" or stay as you are when you hit your goals.  Because I would have never died as a rabbit.

Also, for awhile I thought the icon for damage taken was for water collected. Or at least water related. So I ran around looking for water. After not finding any I stopped to look at the level up again and realized it was for damage taken. Should use a different icon like claw marks or a health sign, or an explosion like outline.

Good work on it.

Thanks for the feedback. We're planning on expanding the game, so your proposals are very valuable.