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Out of the 3 Rewind FPS I have played in the Jam so far, this one is definitely the best by a pretty big margin. Of course, it's still by no means perfect, but its very well executed and really fun to play.

Some points I have during the gameplay:

- Bullets hit should be a bit more responsive, like bullet holes on the wall and some indications on enemies when they gets hit outside of just the health bar

- Gun upgrades should just change the gun on your hand instead of dropping it, which is usually really hard to pick up especially in battle, break the flow of the game

 - Bullets speed seems too slow for me

- Rewinding function for a few seconds then reload seems pretty arbitrary, I was thinking it would rewind my actions all the way till I fired my first bullet

 This is a really solid game, I would love to see you expand upon it after the jam. Would definitely recommend everyone to try this out.

Thank you! I am definetely thinking of updating this game after the jam is over, I have a big notepad document full of feedback and I will gladly add yours into that. I don't quite get what you mean in the last point though?

(1 edit) (+1)

Well, if I understand correctly, the current rewind mechanics move your character's position back in time for a fixed few seconds, and then your clip is reloaded, when I first read about the reload mechanic in the tutorial, what I thought would happened was that you will keep getting re-winded until you are back to the location where you fire your first shot of the magazine,  which I thought would create a pretty interesting movement system. 

Which reminds me, the movement system would feels a lot better if its much fast pace, and maybe include something like double jump or wall jumping, the current system is fine, just a recommendation