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Excellent entry! I'm jealous of the good pathfinding! Props to you for making a game about a pie-robot when it could have easily been about a murder robot. Pies are better!


I totally agree, pies are the best :)

And thanks for the compliments, I really like Unity's built-in pathfinding system 😅

Ah, another reason I should probably try to learn Unity!


I really like it, and I chose it since I normally do a lot of 3D or 2.5D games. I'm not a 2D artist by any stretch of the imagination. Also C# is pretty easy to learn!

How's Game Maker Studio? I notice that's what your fantastic game was made with.


I like GameMaker Studio a lot! It's super useful as a solo-programmer but I'm not sure it shines in group projects.  I use the 1.4999 version because I'm a little set in my ways. I don't know how GMS2 is with 3d or 2.5d games but 1.x Game Maker stops short of Doom in terms of 3D capabilities. Would absolutely recommend it for 2D projects though!
I'm a self taught programmer (English major haha) and I'm trying to expand my knowledge base a little bit. I think Unity is the next thing I'd like to learn but I've never done a "real" programming language before!