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Who knew a game with YEET in the title could be such a calming and therapeutic experience. Absolutely love the explosion effect. Is the world endlessly generated on the fly btw?

And the Gif exporter feels so natural as it pops into stops the gameplay! Were there values you could tweak for how long that effect lasts? Did you make that effect yourself? I assume it was part of the exporter. 

Anyways great job! This was fun :D

thank you! The world is endlessly generated, yeah, it just uses Perlin noise to generate a mesh. Super simple stuff.

The effect is entirely me, just stop time and fade in a few images. Really simple stuff - the only thing I didn't write myself was the texture array to gif file exporter. Everything else was done during the jam - including the frame recorder 😂 the effect is so long because it hides the actual gif export/write to disk 😉 it's crazy how you can just slap a photo frame effect on there and people assume it's intentional 😂