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(1 edit)

So I think this game has a lot of potential, let me start with all the good: The art looks awesome, the game sounds pretty juicy (but could use some background music), and it feels beefy to plow through all the buildings! Also, the powerups feel great! There is one thing that kept me from enjoying this game to the max: the speed of my character. He is waaaay too slow. the fun of these kinds of games is ultimately to be an unstoppable force that just blasts it's way through buildings, defences and whatever you can think of, so I would definitely make him super fast (see APE OUT for a great example of this kind of top-down mayhem game.) The powerups would still be very useful, as you could increase the defenses that the people had. Anyway, great game. I would have loved one more thing btw: I know he goes out of control sometimes, but it would have been great to make him charge up a super ultimate attack that just turns him into an utter beast! That would fit the theme really well too :) Good job making this!!

Ps. One more thing: I love the idea of a dash ability, but I'd love to see it work in a way where it charges up automatically every x-seconds, instead of having to break buildings to charge it!

Thank for giving the time to give quality feedback, we really appreciate it. I think the max speed could have been increased a little bit, but I think the main problem was probably the initial acceleration is really slow. There isn't a hard speed cap in the game, there's a limit at which a drag force is applied, so with dashes you can break that limit. I think the biggest mistake was not allowing players to plow through walls at higher speeds.

For a post jam version we want to do snappier better movement, but still maintain a sense of gaining momentum, definitely want to do tons more ability ideas and I agree with your dash ability ideas, some things should be tied to destruction others should be timers, and others should be limited time use per a level.

I'm glad you enjoyed the game!

Sounds good, I'll be waiting for a post-jam patch!