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The first game in the jam to make me cry. Not due to the touching story of a mother dove recovering her eggs in a dangerous urban world like you'd expect though. I cried because of Drone #3 on Level 3. I died so many times to that thing!! Finally managed to beat it though! Thanks for making it easier, saved me from having to smash my keyboard.

The art style was fantastic! Who could've seen such a cute game inducing so much rage? 

The controls were very responsive as well! I think adding a "coyote jump" would have made it feel absolutely clean!

Your description for the game was funny as well, tell MyMom.Industries thanks for the quality content!

Great entry!

(1 edit) (+1)

Hahaha, you made my laugh at loud! Thank you so much. I HAD to make it easier because... I'm not so sure if someone would use 2 hours of their lives into this silly game just to beat it! Also thank you about your comment about the style and I 100% agree I have to use more advance mechanics for next game. 

Thank you for playing!

Oh! One more thing I wanted to add!

I see some comments about using procedural generation instead of handcrafted levels like you made. Now, I don't necessarily disagree with this. However, I do feel like handcrafting the levels like you have done helped match the flow of the game. For example, on Level 3 when the camera is moving at nearly the same speed as the character, I feel that procedural generation could cause some confusion. 

Running from the screen, knowing that one mistake would spell my doom made for intense gameplay! If one platform is misplaced by an algorithm that isn't finely tuned, it could be very frustrating. I think procedural generation is great for more slow-paced/exploration based games, but in games where timing is everything and bouncing perfectly off a platform is important, I think what you did made it much more satisfying.


 I don't know why I kind of just accepted it as the best option... butttt are right, it wouldn't make sense to be a procedural generated game in this case...

 It actually took me a lot of time to design each level and trying the last one to be super hard but also possible.... so, you made me realise that even though procedural generation  is super cool and I would love to learn to use it... in this case I was able to do a good thing with what I had... so thank you I guess, haha!