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Hi there,

Thanks a bunch for all the feedback! It helps to hear what people like and dislike.

The "shoot to move" mechanic is by far the most contentious issue people have with the game. Some people really like it, and others really really dislike it. For the time being, we're planning to keep this mechanic since our target is mobile devices, and we like this control scheme on mobile. If we decide to move to PC or console, we'll definitely have to reconsider.

On that note, I do like the fact that shoot-to-move has a decision making balance where you're incentivized to select a variety of movement, damage, and utility items. I want to try and play up this decision making process by giving the player more foresight as to what the coming level will be like. On the other hand, the shoot-to-move design does mean that I have to carefully balance the weapons to make sure that none are too powerful or too weak in that regard.

The ambushes - thanks for bringing that to my attention! I'll definitely reconsider where and how often they're used. I'm planning to add a metagame progression to the game (bonus hearts, shielding, damage bonuses, etc), and I'm considering the idea of giving enemies a chance to drop hearts so the player can restore some health in combat. For the time being, I'll definitely do some adjusting to give the player more time to respond to ambushes. That said, I do really like the sword in the stone ambush, and I've gotten a lot of positive feedback on that one.

Lastly, thanks for your comment on combat stats! I'm still working on the best implementation, but I hope once I get it in it'll satisfy what you're looking for :)


- Dpodz


oh, the shoot to move would definitely make more sense on a mobile device. i keep playing this game on a computer. 

needing to know how long the cooldowns last for each attack is a huge part of why i'm eagerly awaiting the combat stats for the compendium, since right now i'm just kind of hoping and guessing when i'm experimenting with builds.

the sword in the stone ambush is like, it's kinda obvious that it's a trap, but even if you know it's coming it's hard to deal with? since you're surrounded by trees AND oncoming enemies with not that long to react? i'm seriously glad you're gonna be addressing the ambushes!

as for combat stats, i'm looking to find out cooldown times, attack range, attack power, and how it helps you move. it would be kinda cool if you could see the attack animation, but it's way more important to find out if "you're moved backward after throwing this projectile" means "you summon a bunch of dirt that can deflect projectiles" or "you throw a rock at things"

thanks! it's a relief that you're taking feedback into account!