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After some time I figured out how to play and perform the loop of purchasing, crafting, and selling. I find it a little disappointing that crafting with the flowers of eternity + flask which cost 24 only yields 11 coins vs 6 coins for a coal, flask, and a 2 cost ingredient. It could use more polish, but you did execute a game loop and the expiring theme was included very well. Good job!


Thank you for your comment!

Yes, now that I think about it, it's disappointing. Right now the algorithm behind the selling sysmtem uses the complexity (how many ingresients were used to make the potion) of the potion to calculate the coin amount that you'll gain. My idea was that implement a 'strength' variable to the ingredients and then feed the complexity*overall-strength to the algorithm, then it'd yield much higher selling value.

I hope that the game loop was enjoyable. 🙂

Again, thank you for your feedback! 

The game loop kept me playing for a while, and that algorithm sounds like it would be easy for your end. Actually, did the game include more complex recipes? I only ever crafted 1 ingredient + 1 bottle for an item, I didn't think to try combining items or combining them with already made potions. Hmm...


Yeah, you can "rebrew" potions. Like: brew a potion with mint, then place the brewed potion to the slot where the bottle would go and place another ingredient in the ingredient slot. Then you have a potion with complexity two. 

Upgrading the algorithm wouldn't be such a hard work but now I have some personal matters that I have to make. After I'm finished with them I'll surly keep developing this game. 

Great! I'll have to dive back in and look at this complexity addition. Is there a limit or could I theoretically keep rebrewing as long as I have the coin to back it up?


Throreticly you can keep going forever, but around complexity 4 or 5 the 'extra coin gain' starts to be smaller and smaller. (The algorithm is logarithmic)